Patricia Alen

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Stav tohoto uživatelského účtu je Schválené
Hodnocení Lektora
5.00 průměr hodnocení založený na 2 recenzích.
Peter student ŠJ od Inna Fridrikova, Listopad 11, 2021

Patricia is a wonderful patient teacher, makes everything interesting and is a very nice person.
Could not expect anyone better. Makes our time together so enjoyable.

od Inna Fridrikova, July 27, 2024
Gillian student ŠJ od Inna Fridrikova, Listopad 11, 2021

Patricia is always very well prepared and is tailoring the lesson content to my specific needs. She is professional in her approach, teaching with encouragement and patience.

od Inna Fridrikova, July 27, 2024
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